Are you a busy parent, working full or part-time in a house with endless chores? Having any kind of balance can seem to be totally unachievable but thankfully it really isn’t ONCE you able to admit to yourself you really can’t do it all, well not at the expense of your sanity!
Life balance is no mean feat, it requires daily effort, commitment to the cause, and of course sacrifice.
Here are some tried and tested tips that will help you find your way to creating some peace.
1. Learning to say no
For years I have struggled by being a people pleaser, saying yes to almost anything when it came to work and social events. Not anymore, scheduling and planning usually around my kid’s school calendars and social activities give me a clear picture of when I do have free time. Prioritsing what you can and can’t actually do, and letting people know that has not meant that my world has crashed down, juggling calendars is quite normal it seems for a lot of people 🙂 I even schedule me time, and that has become my priority.
2. Prioritise your health
I wish I had started this in my 20s but it is never too late. Your body has probably been giving you signs for a while. Listen to it. Brain fog, achy muscles lack of motivation all stem from either your physical or mental health. Take action
3. Relationships matter
Being caught up in life can mean you can often go without seeing and spending time with the important people in your life ( outside of your kids) for months even years. Friendships matter, plan in that coffee date / dinner date even if it is months in advance.
4. Understand your own boundaries
Take a moment to really understand what this means to you. Creating boundaries of what is acceptable to you, and not settling is perfectly fine, be it, someone, in your life who just sucks it out of you, or situations you find yourself that is completely overwhelming. Walk away from it, chose not to make it a part of your life, or if you have no choice in the matter, limit your time spent in that situation. Trust your gut instinct.
5. Remember to have fun
Giggle, joke, play, and find what makes you really smile. Nothing makes you feel great or as rapidly as a real belly laugh. It’s scientifically proven that laughter boosts your immune system and really can lighten the load on a difficult day. Find something that really makes you happy from the inside out
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